
Friday, November 19, 2010

Cross Stitch Tour

ChookyBlue began a Cross Stitch Tour (or is it a Sampler Blogalong?) last weekend!

And I wanted to be involved this week!

Although these ones aren't Samplers.

(An apology first - most of my cross stitch are framed behind glass and TERRIBLY difficult to photograph! The colors are not true to life either!) 

I do have a lovely sampler packed away somewhere?

Most of my pieces are quite 'old' because, after making many which I had framed, I ran out of walls to hang them on!

This one of poppies is a particular favorite!

We don't get red poppies like this 'downunder'!

All are on Aida, except this one!

It is on linen and was lovely to make! 

I completed this one for an "Embroider-Bee" on Flickr earlier this year.

It now lives in Scotland!

My husband is a big Native American fan!

That's why there are 2 on that theme.

The words on this one had a lovely romantic sentiment!

I do have others but they are packed away while we live in this small apartment as part of my husband's


When we retire we will move to our bigger apartment that has more rooms (maybe one will become my

sewing room?) ....

and more walls!!!

Have a great day!



  1. Hi - I popped round via Chookyblue to see your Cross-stitch.... and then carried on reading..... lots to look at and read....

  2. beautiful work...........I have all my finished ones framed.........keeps the dust off them thankfully.....thanks for sharing.........

  3. I'm with you on the poppies, they are adorable.

  4. Lovely pieces!

    I'm going to start rotating my needlework along with my quilted hangings so that all my pieces get a chance to be displayed.


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