
Friday, November 12, 2010

At Play - in New Zealand!

I don't usually post about anything other than my craft.

But because there hasn't been much of that going on in my life for the last couple of weeks,

 I thought I 

would share some photos of my recent trip to New Zealand.

We walked the Tongarrio Crossing- renowned as one of THE best walks in the world!

I was feeling quite good after a bit of lunch, but it was certainly a challenge!

It took us 8 hours to 'walk' the 20 kilometres (about 12.5 miles)!

I can't remember taking this photo!

 I actually needed all of my energy staying upright AND 

getting down this shale and rock slope!

 See that 'mountain' on the right?

Yep- that's the ridge I just 'skated' down!!!

And contrary as to how it might sound - it was a WONDERFUL !!!

And I took this photo on the last night - a magnificent rainbow after a day of rain!

I promise my next post will involve craft - 

I plan to get some sewing done sometime over the weekend-

I did manage to buy a little fabric in Lake Taupo

and 3 balls of lovely hand dyed cotton at a craft market in Auckland-

Just not sure what I will do with this yet!

Any suggestions????

Until next time,

have a happy day!


1 comment:

  1. That does look like a gruelling trek but what an amazing thing to do. The rainbow was a perfect ending to the trip.


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