
Wednesday, August 25, 2010



Of Patchwork and Embroidery!

The embroidered doiley is an old one I had lying around just waiting to be used in another life!

I saw this idea on a blog somewhere, sometime ago!

(If anyone out there can point me to where, I would be most grateful.)

But in the meantime, this is one idea I had of combining the two techniques.  

Simply 3 1/2 " squares-


This will become a cushion cover for a friend.

The colours are quite dark and traditional but that's the way she likes it!

A bit of a vintage feel to it, I think.



And completed as a pillow!

Do you think my friend will like it?

I hope so!

I will let you know when I give it to her in a month or so!

Have a happy day!


1 comment:

  1. Very nice work. Simple pattern yet somehow unexpected. I like it and I'm sure your friend will, too.


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