
Saturday, August 14, 2010

At Play!

In the spirit of my new name and another cold, gloomy day in Melbourne I decided today I would play!

Play with fabric that is!

First up I finished up these cross stitch pieces I did while I was away.

Don't they look pretty?

I think they might become cards.

Close Up

I had wanted to try one of these for a while now.

I found a tutorial and this is the result.

It was really quite easy and I'm pretty happy with my first attempt.
Asterisk Block

That is one thing I like to do when I have the time-

Try out new techniques and methods-just playing with fabric and color and see what happens!

So I also worked on my foundation pieced Mariner's Compass blocks today.

But I'm not ready to show Block 6 just yet.

Until then, have a happy day!


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