
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Returning to Work!

I have been off work for eight weeks and wanted to 

record here what I was able to achieve in these 

strange times!

 So don't feel the need to comment as you've 

probably seen all this before.

 Besides lots of walking in the beautiful Autumn 


I made these for Eli and Aston...

Finished two quilts...

"Hindsight 2020" was made from start to finish in this


And I got this one to flimsy stage,

started this jumper...

And I've only got half a sleeve to finish!

And made these sawtooth star blocks for a new quilt!

I'll share some more about them when I get it to 

flimsy stage!

So now its time to get the work clothes, makeup, 

jewellery and perfume out of mothballs.

But that's ok.... 

the next break is only four weeks away!

Happy days!


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Hindsight indeed!

After about twenty hours of quilting my "Hindsight 

2020" quilt is finished.

And in hindsight, I probably shouldn't have chosen 

to do this spiral quilting.

Given the way my thoughts go round and round in 

the middle of the night, during these trying times,

spiral quilting was appropriate, I guess!

I lost count of how many bobbins I wound....

I scrounged through all my thread supplies, not 

wanting to buy anymore unless absolutely necessary!

I quilted each line half an inch apart, and the quilt 

is 66" square. 

So I went round and round over 130 times!!

The weather has taken a turn for the worst this 

week, with winter not far away...

so it's indoor photos today!

These photos show the quilting very well....

and the backing!

And I curved the corners to echo the 

curvy quilting lines.

Quilt #5 for 2020
Lifetime quilt #123
66" square
Mystery quilt pattern from South Australia Quilt Guild

Happy sewing!


Thursday, May 7, 2020

Half Rectangle Triangles

I have wanted to make a quilt from

 half rectangle triangles for a long time now!

This book is from an exhibition back in 2016.

And I saw this modern quilt on both Instagram and 

Anja's blog recently.

Not my work...I'm using this for inspiration!

It is a new pattern from 3rd Story Workshop, 

available here 

So before diving in,

I did a little research to find the best way to 

make them...

because they can be tricky little blocks....

bias seams and all!

I remembered 'pinning' this diagram,
which sadly leads nowhere any longer.

But I did find two excellent videos for making two at a time.

One is by Jacquelynne Steves here,

Making two at a time

and the other by Southern Charm quilts here.

Freezer Paper of finished size

 I combined all that I learned to make these.

Then trimmed back to have 1/4" seams


Apparently, that little edge is important to the final 

pointiness of the block!

So now I know they are not too tricky and give a 

crisp result,

One layout option
and another!

with some room for improvement.

I can, however, see a new quilt in the making!

But first I have this to finish....

Happy sewing!


PS I’ve had some recent comments asking questions but I have no way of contacting you, because you are a no-reply blogger.  Please make contact again so I can help. 

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Hindsight is 2020

that is what I am calling this mystery quilt made in 

during the last six weeks of isolation!

Pattern available here

I saw this great video this morning...

and it really spoke to me!

And as you will hear, it is all about the value of 


I started with this fabric selection, which in hindsight,

should have had a greater definition of value.

But I ploughed on regardless...

trying to decide if it was working,

by using a black and white photo.

Then to decide if it needed sashing and cornerstones...

I asked for advice on both Instagram and Facebook...

Opinions were divided,

but not being a fan of borders,

and went with the 'without' option.

This top finishes at 66" square,

and is now awaiting motivation to baste and quilt it!

Wish me luck!

Happy sewing...